Common Myths About Assisted Living

Assisted living facilities have come a long way in terms of the quality of life offered to residents. While assisted living facilities in previous generations were simply a place to stay with medical care, today’s facilities truly offer a lifestyle and sense of community. Assisted living in Winter Park, FL, in particular, is truly special.

Still, there are many common myths about today’s assisted living facilities, including:

Assisted Living Is Like a Nursing Home

Nursing homes of the past did not have a lot to offer their residents. These nursing homes provided good quality of care in terms of meeting daily needs and covering medical requirements, but they did not provide for a fulfilling lifestyle.

Today’s assisted living facilities provide whole-person programs aimed at addressing the overall mental and physical wellness of their residents. These programs include social activities, individualized care, transportation to off-site appointments and events, healthy eating, and more.

Modern assisted living facilities don’t just provide the bare minimum as nursing homes did; they offer much much more to their residents and are an excellent way to spend the next chapters of one’s life.

Assisted Living Residents Aren’t Independent

Even though the name assisted living can imply a lack of independence, today’s assisted living facilities actually promote continued independent living. Assisted living facilities work with each resident to get them the help they need while still allowing them to live independently.

In addition, at assisted living facilities, residents benefit from help with daily activities like cleaning and cooking, so they can spend more time on the activities they enjoy most. 

Assisted Living Residents Don’t Have the Freedom to Go Anywhere

Assisted living facilities aim to give residents the maximum amount of flexibility and freedom. From open visitor hours to transportation to off-site facilities, most facilities do not impose restrictions around traveling.

In addition, assisted living facilities attempt to assist residents in maintaining an active lifestyle and may facilitate even more freedom to do new activities than they had experienced before.

There’s No Privacy

A common myth about assisted living facilities is that there is a lack of privacy. New residents often think that they only have access to one room where staff and other residents can come and go. This misconception is far from the truth.

While every facility is different, many assisted living facilities offer individual apartments or even whole homes for residents. Residents are free to come and go as they please and schedule services as they need.

Assisted living can look a lot like independent living, but with the added benefit of having additional services, like medical services, on-site. Whether you need minimal care or the benefit of a skilled nursing facility in Winter Park, FL, you can find what you need.

Why Assisted Living in Winter Park Could be Right for You

Assisted living in Winter Park offers everything that seniors need as they transition to the next chapter of life. Whether you are looking for a totally independent lifestyle with the benefit of on-site services or you need full-time care, facilities in Winter Park can meet your needs.

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