If your loved one is moving into a retirement community in Winter Park, you’ll want to make sure you keep in touch with them and friends to maintain social interaction after they’ve settled into their new home. There are numerous devices and applications, known as apps, that are available. There are options available to the novice with little tech experience, as well as the more computer-savvy people searching for new ideas.
Devices That Keep You Connected
You’ve probably heard of “Alexa,” the voice behind Amazon’s virtual assistant who answers commands from users, like “Alexa, play music for me,” or “Alexa, what time is it in London?” The Amazon Echo Show is a simple device that uses that technology to help seniors make video calls easily. No need for a deep understanding of technology to use this smart 8″ HD screen with an integrated smart home hub that includes the built-in Alexa service on voice command. All that’s needed for any resident of assisted living facilities in Winter Park is a contact list of friends and relatives to call. The user asks Alexa to call someone and then the video call automatically is initiated with that person on the contact list.
Apps That Make Video Calls Simple
A personal cell phone also provides opportunities for Winter Park assisted living residents to make video calls to friends and relatives. For example, an iPhone includes a FaceTime feature that can be used if the person you are trying to reach also has an iPhone. If FaceTime won’t work, Skype has an app that can be downloaded on a cell phone to provide video calls with others who also have the app. Skype allows video and audio calls over the internet, and also allows audio calls to landlines.
Learn More About Helpful Technologies
Some seniors use Facebook regularly on their desktop computers, so those individuals may find that they have very little trouble getting used to Facebook Mobile for their cell phones. The app allows users to send messages, receive photos and videos, and allows audio calls through the messenger app. This app requires a little more experience using smartphone technology but may be easy to learn and a potentially fun way to stay in touch for those living in Winter Park assisted living facilities.
When you don’t live in the same location as your loved ones, you may find the need to stay connected in other ways. Between frequent visits, technology can help keep you in touch. When moving your loved one into a new home, offer them the opportunity to use the devices and apps they’re comfortable with to keep you within reach.